
This enum describes the properties of an item:

Constant Description
Qt.NoItemFlags It does not have any properties set.
Qt.ItemIsSelectable It can be selected.
Qt.ItemIsEditable It can be edited.
Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled It can be dragged.
Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled It can be used as a drop target.
Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable It can be checked or unchecked by the user.
Qt.ItemIsEnabled The user can interact with the item.
Qt.ItemIsAutoTristate The item’s state depends on the state of its children. This enables automatic management of the state of parent items in QTreeWidget (checked if all children are checked, unchecked if all children are unchecked, or partially checked if only some children are checked).
Qt.ItemIsTristate This enum value is deprecated. Use instead.
Qt.ItemNeverHasChildren The item never has child items. This is used for optimization purposes only.
Qt.ItemIsUserTristate The user can cycle through three separate states. This value was added in Qt 5.5.
Note that checkable items need to be given both a suitable set of flags and an initial state, indicating whether the item is checked or not. This is handled automatically for model/view components, but needs to be explicitly set for instances of QListWidgetItem , QTableWidgetItem , and QTreeWidgetItem .

Note that it is undefined behavior to reimplement hasChildren to return true for an index if that index has the flag set.
